Scientific Committee

Paolo Balboni

Paolo Balboni

Paolo Balboni (PhD) is a Professor of Privacy, Cybersecurity, and IT Contract Law at the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity  (ECPC) within the Maastricht University Faculty of Law. His main research focus is Data Protection as a Corporate Social Responsibility, which can be used to help organisations responsibly further their economic targets and at the same time positively contribute to the development of a fair data-centric society.
Qualified lawyer specialized in ICT, Privacy & Cybersecurity admitted to the Milan Bar and registered to the Amsterdam Bar. He is a Founding Partner of ICT Legal Consulting (ICTLC), an international law firm, and ICT Cyber Consulting, a company specialized in information/data security. Prof. Dr. Balboni is a Recommended Lawyer ranked by The Legal 500 EMEA 2023 in the areas of Data Privacy and Data Protection and Industry Focus: TMT.
He is the Chairman of the European Patent Office (EPO) Data Protection Board, Member of the EUMETSAT Data Protection Supervisory Authority, Member of the Europrivacy Board of Experts, Member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on B2B data sharing and cloud computing contracts, and Member of the Cloud Security Alliance’s AI Safety Expert Group.
Prof. Dr. Balboni is also involved in several EU projects including: Knowledge Technologies for Democracy (KT4D - Horizon Europe) which is investigating how democracy and civic participation can be better facilitated in the face of rapidly changing knowledge technologies - such as Artificial Intelligence (AI); ARIEN, a Horizon Europe project which is focused on AI-based tools for discovering and investigating illegal drug production and trafficking: and EMPOWER, a Horizon 2020 project which is creating a Big Data European Platform to Promote Wellbeing and Health in the workplace.

Prof. Dr. Balboni furthermore advises governments on national matters concerning cybersecurity and privacy and in 2018, he drafted the national Surinamese Privacy and Data Protection Law.

He is the author of three books Data Protection as a Corporate Social Responsibility (Edward Elgar), Trustmarks in E-Commerce: The Value of Web Seals and the Liability of their Providers (T.M.C Asser Press), and the Annotated Nigeria Data Protection Act 2023 (Noetico Repertum Inc., Lagos), and of numerous publications on data protection by design, cloud computing, big data and smart analytics, internet of things, Law Enforcement Agencies’ access to data; intellectual property, contractual and data protection aspects of blockchain technology, and the relationship between privacy/data protection and the use of information in order to fight online-terrorist propaganda, recruitment, and radicalization.
Prof. Dr. Balboni has acted as the legal counsel for the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) on several projects. Finally, he co-chairs the Privacy Level Agreement (PLA) Working Group of Cloud Security Alliance.


Mikołaj Barczentewicz

Mikołaj Barczentewicz is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Surrey School of Law and a Research Associate at the University of Oxford. He received his Polish law degree from the University of Warsaw, and his doctorate from the University of Oxford. Mikołaj’s research spans technology law and policy, financial regulation, and legal philosophy.


Martin Brynskov

Martin Brynskov, PhD (CS), is an academic and standardisation expert who has led some of the world’s largest pilot studies on smart and sustainable cities and communities, as Associate Professor at Aarhus University and later as Senior Researcher at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), both in Denmark, leading groups focusing on connected communities, interoperability and ecosystems in the context of data spaces, local digital twins, AI and Internet of Things. He is also Founding Board Director, and previously Chair, of the Open & Agile Smart Cities & Communities (OASC), a Brussels-based global network of cities acting as a voice of the needs of citizens and their communities towards Big Tech and regulators, promoting Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs).


Theodore Christakis

Theodore Christakis is Professor of International, European and Digital Law at University Grenoble Alpes (France), Director of Research for Europe with the Cross-Border Data Forum, Member of the Board of Directors of the Future of Privacy Forum and a former Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the New York University Cybersecurity Centre.
He is Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence with the Multidisciplinary Institute on AI (
He served as a member of the French National Digital Council and the French National Committee on Digital Ethics as well as an expert for the OECD in the process which led to the adoption, in December 2022, of the OECD Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities. He is currently serving as a member of the International Data Transfers Experts Council of the UK Government and an expert for the High-Level Expert Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement created by the European Commission and the Council of the European Union.
He has published or co-edited 12 books, he is author or co-author of more than 120 academic articles and book chapters, and he has been invited to give lectures and present his work at conferences, workshops, and seminars on over two hundred occasions in more than 38 different countries.
As an international expert he has advised governments, international organizations, and private companies on issues concerning international and European law, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data protection law.


Diego Fulco

Diego Fulco, Lawyer since 1997 with the Bar of Milan, is the Scientific Director of the Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei dati, independent study center committed to promoting the evolution and simplification of the privacy legislation. He is also co-founder of Officine Dati and member of the Scientific Committee of ANORC Professioni, and professor in Business Law and Digital Communication and in Regulations and ethics for the big data society at IULM University in Milan. Expert in technology law, assists companies in both judicial and out of court advice in the field of personal data protection, IT contracts, and is Data Protection Officer in primary companies. Regular speaker in seminars and conferences, promoted by specialized companies and trade associations, edited some books together with Luca Bolognini. The last is Privacy e Libero Mercato Digitale (2021).


Niamh Christina Gleeson

Dr. Niamh Christina Gleeson is a data privacy and data technology lawyer with over 20 years of experience specialising in the IT and Communications sectors and she is a Certified International Privacy Professional Europe (CIPP/E).
She advises clients on legal issues related to all aspects of data regulation including privacy and data protection, cloud/edge/quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), big data and smart analytics, internet of things (IoT), and regulatory issues related to telecommunications and electronic communications. She has long-term expertise in the ICT sectors, particularly telecommunications and IT.
She is a practising lawyer in several jurisdictions. She is a member of the Paris Bar and her practice oNice is in Paris, France. She is a qualified solicitor in the Republic of Ireland, and in England and Wales. She has worked in private practice for law firms in London and Brussels and she has spent over 10 years of her career as an in-house regulatory lawyer working for British Telecom plc and Apple EMEA in London. Since 2023 she joined the international law firm ICTLC as their partner in France.
Since February 2022 she is a member of the European Commission Expert Group on B2B data sharing and standard contractual clauses in Cloud Computing to assist the European Commission in its work to implement the draft Data Act.
She is a contributing author to the book, Cloud Computing Law, edited by Christopher Millard, 2nd edition (OUP, Oxford, 2021). She is author of numerous journal articles published in international legal journals. She teaches LLM students in ICT and cloud law as visiting lecturer for Queen Mary University of London.
She graduated in Law at the University of Dublin (Ireland) and qualified as a Barrister in Ireland. She holds a Masters in Law from the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) in 1996 and a Ph.D in EU Competition Law from Kings College London (United Kingdom) in 2012. She speaks English and French fluently.

Anna Paola_Lenzi

Anna Paola Lenzi

Anna Paola Lenzi is a legal executive with 10+ years of experience in data protection and digital regulation laws. She started her career at the University of Bologna collaborating as a research fellow with the Civil Law dept. (Prof. Ruffolo). Admitted as a lawyer at the Bar of Bologna in 2009, she obtained a master's degree in Business Administration at the Polytechnic University of Milan and several certifications in the ICT laws field. She specialised in corporate compliance as senior legal advisor at Studio Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati and joined TeamSystem in 2016, as Head of Compliance and then as Group Data Protection Officer. She is a member of several think-tanks in the field of digital laws including the permanent Data Protection Working Group of Assosoftware (the Italian Software House Trade Association) and AIRIA (Association for the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence). She is Chair and Co-founder of Privacy She-leaders, a nonprofit organization aimed at promoting female talent in the context of data protection.


Gergo Kollar

I have a degree in law and I have been working in the field of data protection law since 2018. Since then I have provided consultancy services to a number of companies and have held positions as data protection officer for several public bodies and institutions. Since 2022, I have been working as a consultant at Precursor Ltd, the successor to my former company. Since 2020, I have been involved in the work of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Law (Department of Technology Law and Energy Law) first as a PhD student and now as an Assistant Research Fellow. In order to continuously improve the professional quality of my work, I have obtained a legal specialization in European Law and the qualifications of Lead ISMS Auditor, and IT Risk manager. In 2023, we founded Hungary's first Neutral Data Intermediation Service Provider, NIDHAS Ltd, where I work as the CEO.


Elena Pasquali

Elena is the CEO of Ecosteer, a pioneering deep-tech start-up. Under her leadership, Ecosteer is at the forefront of the data economy revolution with its innovative Data Visibility Control Overlay (DVCO) technology. This technology leverages a patented multicast encryption scheme to decentralize data visibility control, empowering data owners with unprecedented authority over their information. By setting the stage for the future of data management and ownership, Ecosteer is laying the technical foundations for a new, ethical, and participative data economy. Before Ecosteer, Elena held key leadership roles, including leading General Electric’s HR Shared Services Centre in Italy and serving as CEO of Warelite, a UK software start-up she co-founded. She also has experience with global firms like SAP AG, Capgemini, and GE Healthcare. Elena holds a degree in Molecular Biology, and her personal interests range from biotechnology to contemporary art.


Enrico Pelino

Lawyer at the Bologna Bar, founding partner of the law firm Grieco Pelino Avvocati and DPO, he holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology Law from the University of Bologna. He handles both consultancy and litigation, with a focus on Digital Law and Data Protection. A frequent speaker at conferences and a lecturer in master’s programs, he is also a fellow of the Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation and a professional listed in the EDPB Support Pool of Experts. An accomplished author, he has written and edited numerous publications for leading legal publishers, including the recent Codice della Disciplina Privacy, 2nd edition (2024) [Code of Privacy Legislation] and Digital Services Act e Digital Markets Act (2023).


Manuel Portela

Manuel Portela is a Associate and Senior postdoc Researcher at the Web Science and Social Computing Group in University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. He is currently leading the DATALOG project, a Recognized Data Altruism Organization for Planetary Wellbeing. His has a background in Urban Studies and GeoInformatics. His research interests are in data governance and data sharing for common good, and the research on responsible AI and human oversight for automated decision systems in the public sector.

Carlo Rossi Chauvenet - Foto Professionale

Carlo Rossi Chauvenet 

Carlo Rossi Chauvenet  is Adjunct professor of LegalTech and Privacy Law at Bocconi University and other academic institutions in Europe including the University of Padova, Venice and Turin. He is also coordinator of the Legal Clinic of the startup accelerator “Bocconi4Innovation”.
Carlo is Partner at CRCLEX Law Firm, author of numerous articles and publications in the field of IT, Corporate and Privacy Law, and acts as Data Protection Officer (DPO) for national and international clients.
Visionary and passionate about legal tech he co-founded different projects including “Iubenda”, the first Italian Legal tech company, “Sweet Legal Tech”, consultancy company in the Legal Tech field, and works as strategic consultant of “Data Valley”, a Think Tank dedicated to data governance and data strategy for corporations.
[OPTIONAL] [Education: BA (hons.) in Law (Bocconi University), PHD (University of Padua), LLM in International Corporate law (New York University School of law), LLM in International Commerce (National University of Singapore).]


Davide Ruffo

Davide has built a career spanning over 15 years, with significant experience in policy-making within European institutions and various roles in the pharmaceutical sector. His work is characterized by a focus on the intersection of policy, law, and industry practices, particularly in the context of European law and healthcare issues. From 2009 to 2016, Davide was involved in policy-making at the European Commission and European Parliament, contributing to the development and implementation of policies mainly related to healthcare and technology assessment. Following his experience in the public sector, Davide transitioned to the pharmaceutical industry, where he worked until 2023. In this sector, he held multiple roles that exposed him to extend his business approach to pricing, market access and business management.
Currently, Davide serves as the Chief of Institutional Relations at Aindo, where he applies his experience in the healthcare sector as a driver for business development and strategic planning. His role involves leveraging artificial intelligence technologies, with a particular emphasis on data privacy and healthcare innovation while building a strong equity to scale up the company.

Sabire Sanem_YILMAZ

Sabire Sanem Yilmaz

Sabire Sanem YILMAZ is a PhD researcher at the Health Science, Technologies and Management Department of Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. Her research focuses on privacy and personal data protection, AI law, digital arts law, and sustainability.
She holds a law degree from Marmara University and an LL.M. from Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law. After working on fundamental rights violations in European Council projects, she has shifted her focus to AI, democratic values, and fundamental rights. She is one of the first mediators in Turkey and has been practicing law for over 16 years.
She recently completed the Center for AI Digital Policy school successfully, earning the title of AI Analyst, and concurrently finished the Data Protection Designer course at Istituto Privacy Italy with distinction.
Her doctoral research continues to explore the European Health Data Space (EHDS), secondary use of data, and artificial intelligence.
Her publications include books, articles, and collections. Notable works include:
""Natural Language Processing Project Final Report"" (2020, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology)
""New Technologies and Law: Big Data, 6G Wireless Technology and Data: New Legal Discussions"" (2021, On İki Levha)
""Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and Legal Approach to Data Security""
""Brain-Machine Interfaces and New Legal Challenges for Privacy""
“Mind over Matter: Examining the Implications of Machine Brain Interfaces on Privacy and Data Protection under the GDPR” (2022, 2 EJPLT)
""Protection of Personal Data in the Medical Field"" (6th edition)
""Final Exit Before the Bridge in AI: Strengthening the Right to Human Oversight of Vulnerable Subjects with Two Agents"" (2023, European Journal of Privacy Law and Technology)


Arianna Sekeri

Attorney at Law | Data Privacy Expert | CIPP/E, CIPP/A, CIPM, CIPT, FIP
Arianna Sekeri is an accomplished attorney with over 18 years of experience in legal and regulatory compliance, specializing in Data Protection, Privacy, and Cybersecurity. She holds multiple certifications, including Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E, CIPP/A), Certified Privacy Manager (CIPM), Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT), and is a Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP). Arianna's expertise spans global privacy compliance, particularly in the life sciences, technology, and telecommunications sectors.
Arianna is fully qualified to practice before the Supreme Court of Greece, demonstrating her depth of legal expertise and her ability to represent clients at the highest judicial level in the country. She is the Co-Head of Data Protection Operations at PrivIntelligent Solutions LLC, where she leads a team providing Data Protection Officer (DPO) services and managing privacy compliance programs for multinational clients. Arianna is also a Junior Partner at ALG Manousakis Law Firm, where she co-leads the privacy practice of the firm.
She is also a member of the European Data Protection Board's Support Pool of Experts, and an expert on the EuroPrivacy International Board of Experts, contributing to the development and ongoing updates of the EuroPrivacy Certification Scheme.
Arianna has authored several articles on data protection and privacy, including “Challenges in the Electronic Communications Sector – with a Focus on Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection” (published in the Technology & Communication Law Journal, March 2024), and “Cross-Border Data Transfers: Data Protection Compliance Issues from the Use of Google Analytics” (Technology & Communication Law Journal, June 2022). Her work also includes a notable article on “EU: Cross-Border Dilemmas for Clinical Trial Sponsors”, published on
In addition to her professional work, Arianna is deeply involved in community service and volunteering. She has been actively engaged with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) as a Young Privacy Professional Leader and KnowledgeNet Chapter Chair.
With a comprehensive background in data protection, corporate governance, intellectual property, and IT law, Arianna advises clients on complex regulatory matters and litigation, offering practical, business-focused solutions. She has contributed to various congresses and is a recognized expert in privacy training and education.
Arianna holds an LL.B from the University of Aberdeen, an LL.M from University College London, and an MSc in Business for Lawyers from ALBA Graduate Business School. She is fluent in Greek and English, with working knowledge of French and German.


Marco Scialdone

Lawyer and adjunct professor of law and management of digital content and services at the European University of Rome. PhD in legal categories and technologies, he sits on the scientific committee of The Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation (IIP) and is a member of the advisory board of the NOVA Ipsi Knowledge Center at Nova School of Law in Lisbon, as well as the editorial board of the Metaverse and Virtual Transformation journal. Marco Scialdone is the editor, author, or co-author of several scientific works in the field of law and technology. He is currently head of litigation & academic outreach at Euroconsumers, the main international group of consumer organizations, uniting Test-Aankoop / Test-Achats (Belgium), Altroconsumo (Italy), DECOProteste (Portugal), OCU (Spain), and Proteste (Brazil).


Maria Teresa Zucchelli

Maria Teresa Zucchelli is the Group General Counsel & Company Secretary of Consulcesi Group, leader in the provision of professional services to healthcare professionals and omnichannel services to healthcare companies based on a data &digital driven approach.
Her long-time experience in the IP, Data Protection, Company and Commercial law as Former GC at Entertainment and Fashion companies, merged with curiosity and enthusiasm on the disruptive paradigma of data, has led to a constant focus on benefits that new technologies applied to data management may bring not only to companies but to everyday life.